cultural sphere

美 [ˈkʌltʃərəl sfɪr]英 [ˈkʌltʃərəl sfɪə(r)]
  • 网络文化领域
cultural spherecultural sphere
  1. Archaeologically , Hong Kong is but a tiny part of the far greater cultural sphere of South China , itself as yet imperfectly known .


  2. Its keystones are from the binary division of civil society and the nation and the discourse ethic and the communication reason formed in the cultural sphere of society .


  3. Our aim in the cultural sphere is to build a new Chinese national culture .


  4. It belongs to a subculture category in the Chinese cultural sphere .


  5. An upsurge in economic construction is bound to be followed by an upsurge of construction in the cultural sphere .


  6. The area around the cities of Chaozhou and Shantou in eastern Guangdong , forms its own cultural sphere .


  7. As an essential part of the " cultural sphere ", the culture of plants also plays its important role in displaying the regional characteristics in garden construction and carrying forward the cultural tradition .


  8. The unofficially local chronicles constitute a large portion of the local chronicles of Yangzhou and make up an important aspect of the learning and cultural sphere of Yangzhou .


  9. The paper concludes that in the aspect of viewpoint concerning historical geography , there exists the necessity to use Chinese cultural sphere as the unit of regional historical viewpoint in studying gardening history .


  10. How is the acquisition of Chinese characters by learners from the non Chinese character cultural sphere affected by stroke numbers , component numbers and topological structural patterns On Stroke Sorting & and Anticlockwise Sorting of Mix-Structured Chinese Characters


  11. We commonly use the either / or binary of imperialism / national liberation or domination / subordination to think about the history of non-Western nation-states in modern times , but is that binary appropriate for thinking about the cultural sphere ?


  12. The academic degree system plays a significant role in the higher education system of China , displaying Sino-western cultural exchange in the sphere of higher education .


  13. At the same time , it attempts to decipher their different attitudes to scientific experiments deriving from their respective cultural cultivation and knowledge sphere .


  14. This article focuses on three in the field of media cultural study : cultural industry , public sphere and audience rating .
